There are many ways to show your support for Orono Land Trust other than a monetary contribution.
Thank you for your generous support!
Donating by Check
Those who do not wish to make a donation online may mail a check to the Orono Land Trust. Please be sure to include your name, mailing address, telephone number, and (optionally) if your donation is in memory.
Please mail donations (checks only; no cash) to:
Orono Land Trust
Orono ME 04473
Donating Vehicles
Orono Land Trust partners with CarEasy to accept your donated vehicles. Find all the details about this process at the OLT page on the CarEasy website.
Donating Land

A conservation easement is a useful tool for landowners who wish to protect their land from future development, while retaining ownership of the property. The landowner may also receive several economic benefits from donating a conservation easement.
Easements offer permanent protection from development, and can be written to conform to the specific desires of the landowner. For example, an easement on a forested piece of land might prohibit future construction or subdivision, while retaining the owner’s rights to hunting, timber harvesting, and recreation. The conservation easement is generally donated to a land trust or other non-profit agency, which will ensure that the conditions of the easement are met in the future.