We Need Your Help – Unauthorized Changes At PKCA

The Orono Land Trust (OLT) and Town of Orono have several preserved areas within our town.  These areas are managed for habitat, trees, plants, wildlife and recreation.  Trails are determined and then are 100% made and maintained by volunteers (your neighbors).  Materials to make and maintained trails are financed though OLT memberships.  Unauthorized trails may do great damage to habitat and degrade the recreation experience of users.  If you believe a new trail or change to an existing trail is needed, please contact the Orono Land Trust via Facebook or website. If you see someone changing or making new trails please let us know. Thank you for your help to keep the land available.


Damaged water bar.  While apparently done by bikers, any damage to the trails is disturbing.  All work is done by volunteers for the benefit of all users.  This damage will allow water to flow where it isn’t wanted – causing erosion and damaging the trail for all users.  ASK US about suggested changes to trails.  If you did this, please contact us to help repair the damage.


Below is the start of an unauthorized trail.  Improperly built trails are likely to cause erosion and damage the environment and experience for other users of PKCA and harms wildlife habitat.  ASK US about building new trails.    If you did this, please contact us to help repair the damage.